Portage Place redevelopment community consultation launch – first pop-up event May 30
By Krista Sinaisky | May 24, 2023

As a next step in the redevelopment of Portage Place, True North Real Estate Development (TNRED) is seeking input from the community to optimize its transformation to a renewed and supportive mixed-used campus and shape an inclusive space that meets the changing needs of the community as well as contributes to Winnipeg’s long-term health, safety and economic prosperity.
TNRED’s vision for a purposeful, dynamic and community-minded redevelopment plan for Portage Place and the surrounding neighbourhood comprises a three-part complex including green spaces, multi-family, affordable and student housing, a full-scale grocery store, neighbourhood services and a comprehensive healthcare centre.
With a significant focus on facilitating neighbourhood services, culture and arts, housing, urban greenspaces, food security and health equity, the thoughts and opinions of mall users, the downtown community, and downtown visitors are critical to shaping a better future for Portage Place.
The public is invited to learn more and share their opinions through upcoming pop-up events, in-person meetings and online surveys.
May 30 will mark the first series of public participation pop-up events with five two-hour sessions providing opportunities to learn more about the plan, engage and participate with key downtown organizations and share your thoughts. Food, snacks and drinks will be served throughout the day at Centre Court.
The online survey is live HERE and should take no more than 10-15 minutes to complete.
Please watch for more public engagement events to be communicated.
Tuesday, May 30
Portage Place Centre Court
8-10 a.m. (with breakfast)
Review information and complete survey
10 a.m.-noon
Make and take art project with Art Beat
Noon-2 p.m. (with lunch)
Review information and complete survey
2-4 p.m.
Get active with the YMCA
4-6 p.m. (with dinner)
Review information and complete survey